Sunday, June 29, 2008

Online Schinanigans

Ok so it has been umpteen weeks since I last wrote. I guess just not motivated enough lately or maybe all together bored with my own dating life that hasn't excited me enough to write.  I have actually been contemplating changing the format of my blog just so I can write on more diverse topics and not bore you all with boy drama :) albeit entertaining at times.

But in the meantime I must bring my online dating world full circle.

So as some may know I have been on again off again with the online dating scene. Started with Jdate a few years back since I initially figured why not be selective if I am basically paying to pick ideal qualities and screen them online before even meeting the person. With little luck and a lot of busted dates I started to give up on the one thing I thought I could feel comfortable and safe with.  A friend convinced me to try a new avenue with Eharmony.  

Well let me tell you how I feel about Eharmony. You have just as much luck on being matched with Eharmony as you do getting an A on a College Exam where you fill in the scantron with the old gimick ABACADABA bubbles.  Not to mention I just found out that Eharmony had a law suit against it for being biased and judgemental against certain types of relationships and cultural/religious backgrounds. Yeah, that makes me feel comfortable with the pool of men on there and that they are all well rounded and accepting.  But all that aside, it's not like they even found matches remotely close to anything that suits me.  Maybe I am just doomed for online dating?!?

After getting frustrated with Eharmony I resorted back to my old ways and comfort levels bringing Jdate to a full circle. While just 'window shopping' as I call it (since I don't pay for a membership) I actually found a descent guy who I hit it off with so who knows...but all I know is he makes me feel happy inside once again! So regardless of all the busted dates and lame matches thus far if all else fails I can now say at least I know that there is somebody out there that can make me smile again from the inside (even if it is not this one).