Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Food for Thought

So I was walking to work and as usual there was a homeless man perched in his corner propped up against a hill getting some last minute shut eye before the traffic and city life got going.  As I got closer to approaching him I realized he has two large french breads surrounding him about 5 feet from his body. One would first think....if I were homeless I would be up eating that grub before the next hungry stomach comes along and snatches it. But then I realized he is a genius! 

He was using the bread as bait for the pigeons to eat so they wouldn't peck at him and bug him so he could get his last Z's in.  Who want's one of the world's dirtiest creatures poking at you  and in your personal space you share with the everyday common folk along the sidewalk. 

It got me thinking on my way down the hill....Now if only there were a form of bait to use to keep the dirty men away.... 

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Age is just a number...

Some say age is just a number....why can't that be the truth. 

If age were just a number, I would not be concerned with dating my own age, younger or older. Most say it is just a number. But to all those Catherine Zeta Jones/Michael Douglas and Demi Moore/Ashton Kutcher relationships I say they see something most of us are missing, the maturity, experience, and grace that comes with age.  

Now, this isn't always the case as people don't always 'act' their age and sometimes are less or more mature so it is hard to pigeon hole people by a number; but for the most part I believe there should be ranges that categorize people with warning labels, like expiration labels on food (ie: expired, mature and ripe, childish not fully developed, & raw and will give you an upset stomach).  

Speaking of age and getting older, my birthday is just around the corner as I count only 4 years from being closer to a pact (one to which I definitely did not agree to) that scares me from turning another year older.  A friend whom constantly reminds me that at age 30 if I am still single I will marry him is now only 4 years away from this quote on quote 'agreement' becoming his reality (obviously not going to happen). But seriously, what is wrong with society that at a certain age you are not marketable anymore and unfit for marriage?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Number Games

I just battled out with a dear friend what most men and women consider the "3 day rule".  As he questions his manhood (that came from my mouth not his) and his cool-factor with the appropriate timing to call a girl he just met I want to smack him and all men, or should I say boys, that follow these pathetic games.

The Urban Dictionary beautifully defines the 3 day rule as "A rule used by douchebag  guys who think that waiting three days after a date to call means that the girl will want them more, when really it just pisses them off"  

Not only does he then go on to ask if it is ok for him to call on the 2nd day, but if calling before 5pm is alright.  SERIOUSLY?!? I proceeded with curiosity to ask why 5pm, why not now? His response was call at 11:49am? Not that he had something to do or appointments that keep him busy until 5pm which would make sense why he couldn't make a phone call to a girl that I am starting to already believe he's not that into.  

To my friend and all men out there who play this 3 day rule or any numbers game (including multiplying/dividing how many people you have slept with to mask the real number; men divide by three, woman multiply by 3) I say quit while you're ahead. What's wrong with being interested and calling when the person is on your mind, which is what I advised my friend to do. Call at 11:49am for crying out loud. For once you might actually impress a girl by letting her know you were thinking of her and couldn't wait to hear her voice again. Be real. Drop all the games. When people are real that is when you really find what you are looking for and not games to fill voids. 

Although don't take this literal declaration that games are not fun, intriguing, or exciting....I am just saying that games don't always lead to long term success because at one point in the game there is going to be a winner and a loser.  Since when have you watched a football game or baseball game where you go into the last quarter or inning with a tie and both teams decide hey lets shake on it and call it a day....Yeah I don't think so.  

Saturday, April 5, 2008


To all my single lady friends which is not many of you. In fact, I think I may be the only single one left...at least that is in the dating market (there are one or two that might be celebratory for the rest of their life. But hey, whatever floats your boat):

I just got a letter in the mail from my best friend back home and she sent me a clipping from a magazine she was reading in the airport the other week.

It was a list of "10 New Words for Women". The one she sent me was:
10. Ex-orcism: The will not to answer the phone when that guy from '05 calls at midnight.

I laughed so hard I nearly shed a tear as it brought back oh so many memories where I had to strain my little fingers from picking up the receiving line.

Mating Calls


Why do men find it necessary to holler, shout, and gauck at woman daily if not hourly.
I understand animals do not have a form of communication and in all honesty with the boardem that comes with being certain animals I would succumb to just shouting at something that looks doable and say HEY LADY!!! call it a night for a quickie and prance on into the field off on my own way.

But we were blessed with words and the gift of minds that let us process thoughts and express them. So to all you men out there why do you need to shout and say nasty things like we don't hear you or care.

I was attacked in Spanish today by a bunch of men yelling to each other "Hey....I Like what I see" Thank god for taking spanish in High School. I know what you are saying assholes!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Game On

After a hellish week I ended my Friday on a surprising note with an unexpected twist from the least expected person.  Not that this person isn't full of good things; in fact, just the opposite. As I was saying my good byes to a mutual friend and colleague his goodbye speech really struck a cord deep within to inspire me and knock me out of my negative mind set for the time being on a variation of personal topics.   

Lately, I really feel as if I have been hitting a brick wall or running right into one a full speed to be more direct.  I see it right in front of me but something doesn't stop me....I just keep gunning for it. Fall. Get up. Do it again.  I sit here and preach on how it would be nice to teach the 'old dogs new tricks'. Not to discredit myself as I still think I rock as an individual, but since nobody is perfect I realized today there is still a lot I can learn in life from simple little things people say and do in passing. 

The inspiration speech was a twist off the book "If Life Was A Game These Are The Rules". Rule: "There" is no better then "Here"
I realized I really need to start living more for the here, otherwise I will hit the same brick wall without ever trying new alleys and new brick walls.  I am a very forward, adventurous, outgoing individual and see great things for myself and know I deserve the best. But why is it that I let myself get stuck with these feelings sometimes that I don't have the strength to push through on and prefer to moan and groan on the "There" and not the "Here".  

I think I need to start pushing more for the "Here" and maybe it will get me "There" that much faster and be able to embrace what I have been yearning for so long.  

Last Rule: Once you have learned all the rules, you will forget, and have to learn them all over again.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Simple Guilty Pleasures

This past weekend was one of the best Sunday's I have had in a really long time. It started with brunch and mimosas with 2 great girlfriends in the city. After some bubbly we somehow stumbled upon the topic of what your favorites are in life (not naming people, relationships or places). We were on a roll so we took the topic of conversation to the local coffee shop where we continued jotting our thoughts down. 
In no particular order here are the top 25 for the day (as we decided since they are spur of the moment favorites we can change them daily if we want....just because we can) 

I actually find it my personal form of meditation as I have never been one that can sit still and focus without having my brain go a million miles.  Meditating is supposed to ground you and find what basics in life are really of value to you and get you more focused on the positve.  I have been reading the book “Eat Pray Love” and I am on the secition where the main characer goes to India to meet the Ashram and voage on to find her true self and meditate with the locals. The sad thing is I can’t even focus on the chapters where someone else meditates.

Thus, I have found this Sunday as my form of meditation that brought me back to planet earth with out thinking about a care in the world. I felt like I was in another place and having an outer body experience while enjoying myself and finding what makes me happy in life not even once pondering on the stresses and that cause me so much angst and discomfort with life.

I highly suggest this as it really helps bring you back to “you” when you are having a rough day or week.

** Note #5 and #19 have been replaced with code to keep it PC incase the parental’s are reading. If you know me you know what I am referring to **

 1. Philz Coffee made by Jacob

2.  Cookie dough Ice Cream

3.  Pedicures

4.  The smell of laundry and morning air

5.  5

6. Jewelry and Accessories

7. Wine and Cheese

8. Laughing

9. Massages

10. The Beach

11. Traveling

12. Fireman

13. Men who wear glasses

14.  Dancing

15. Photography

16. Dogs

17. Sushi

18. Campfires

19. Repeat 5 In the AM

20. An entire night out without having to buy a single drink

21.  Foreign Accents

22.  Ice Tea Spoons

23. Clean Shaven Legs

24. Napping in the sun

25. Waterfalls