Friday, September 5, 2008

Catch 22 of the Day

Ok so coming off of vacation and doing what I love most, traveling, I am having withdrawals and tempted to find a nice rich man to marry so I can just travel the world and quit working. 

Sounds coushy right!?!

Here's the Catch of the Day: 

Marry rich and I would be bored (not to mention these days it typically takes 2 incomes to raise a family and survive the world...let alone the damn gas prices)

But if you become a career women and hard worker men are scared to date you and intimated by the fact that you could be a strong independent business savvy woman with an idea or thought in your head. 

So what shall it be tonight: Bass or the Bluefin Tuna


MissMoll said...

This is so true! Um.. you could be the strong, independent business woman and just play dumb.. Er. Okay, maybe not.

Stephanie said...

Yea I have contemplated that actually....not really playing dumb but playing down your qualities to get a sad is that!?!?!?